Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mildly perturbed

Along with the joys of being able to pull oneself up to standing come some new issues. Case in point -- now if I put her to bed when she doesn't want to go down, she can stand up at the edge of the crib to scream her little head off.

My poor little mama heart just can't take it, so the last couple days I've returned to her room to get her out of her crib. Of course, little smarty pants figured that one out pretty quickly, and has been trying to work it to her advantage. Last night we knew she was exhausted, so decided to let her cry it out. It worked, but...when we checked on her before we went to bed, we discovered that she had fallen asleep folded completely in half. She had obviously been sitting up, then it appears she just passed out and fell face first onto her legs.

Around midnight she got fussy, so I unfolded her, thinking it was the ungodly position she was in that was making her uncomfortable. She started wailing again, then eventually drifted off. When I got her this morning, she was folded in half again.

Surely this can't be the healthiest way to sleep? But is it worth waking her up to unfold her? I am mildly perturbed.

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