Friday, February 6, 2009

The little things at 9.5 months

It's been a while since I've recorded all the little things about Sof that slay me on a daily basis. Here they are, in no particular order:

- How she can travel so far without actually crawling. She has mastered getting on all fours, then rolling back onto her butt, sitting up and starting over. She's also become quite adept at pushing herself backwards on her belly, especially on the pergo.

- She's discovered how to shake her head "no." She loves doing this, and loves it when other people do it. She'll giggle and then copy the movement. It's especially funny to her if you stick your tongue out at the same time.

- Her facial expressions are developing like crazy. This is going to require some video...

- Chapstick is her new favorite toy. We have baskets full of carefully researched child development toys sitting around the house, and she wants the chapstick.

- She giggles and gasps and gets excited every time I pull out books to read to her.

- She LOVES flying with Dad.

- She can drink out of a regular glass no problem. It's the sippy cup we're still working on.

- She digs hanging out in her walker, but so far can only move backwards. Maybe if she weren't so preoccupied with feeding the dogs her little snacks she could get it figured out.

- Her need for stimulation is growing. The child has learned what it is to be bored, and lets me know when she feels that way.

- Girlfriend's got a mind of her own. She's figured out that she doesn't like it if you take something away from her that she's not done with.

- She "talks" with her buddy, 2-year-old Danika. They'll sit across from each other and scream back and forth, each copying the other's tone and volume. This can go on for quite a long time...

- Dad's Mets cap is still one of her all-time favs.

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