Saturday, February 28, 2009

The "Latest deets" sidebar

I'm not quite sure how I feel about it, but I got on the Twitter train. This is essentially blogging for people who are too lazy to blog. Or, you know, interact with other human beings. Twitter limits you to 140 characters per post, and other "tweeters" can respond to your short "tweets."

So I linked up my "tweets" to this blog. It's rather fun, it indulges me when I'm not up for writing a full post. It also has the potential to be a creative challenge for those who care enough to try to communicate as much as possible in 140 characters or less. But as you can see, it's also displaying my tweeting responses to other tweeters' tweets. So until I get my settings the way I like them, any tweet with an "@" symbol in front of it is me tweeting at another tweeter's tweet. Phew.

Yay for internet trends! We'll see how long I last with this one.

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