We've been thoroughly enjoying the unusually warm and sunny spring here in Portland. Trees are blooming, daffodils are dazzling, birds are singing...it's pretty darn nice. Although I don't have any fabulous adventures to report, we've been making tons of progress in the yard. Most of my herb garden is in, pots out front are planted and Johnny even got the raised beds built yesterday. Cruising right along.
The sunshine totally agrees with Sofia, who gets pretty ticked off when it's time to go inside. She's an outdoor girl already, and is totally content with nothing but a few sticks, rocks and a pile of dirt.
Her vocabulary continues to grow by leaps and bounds. She's now stringing words together and is even counting a little bit. She's also figuring out emotions, and gets very concerned if she hears a baby crying. "Nying?" she says. Then, "Bahti?" (translation: she thinks the baby needs a blankie to feel better.)
Just the other day, Lucy had some of that gunk that dogs get in the corner of her eye (yes, this is pertinent to the story). Sofia saw it and thought it was a tear. She said "Ee-cy nying? Bahti?" and proceeded to give her blankie to Lucy. So sweet!
Just for fun, here are a few springtime illustrations. This is my little wine barrel herb garden:
Front planters -- there are even two blueberry plants in there! Can't wait to see how well they yield fruit.
Johnny building the raised beds:
Sofia randomly found my swimming goggles, and was running wildly around the house and screaming while wearing them. Awesome.
Annnnnd, we finally got some furniture for our living room. Rug, table and other odds and ends to come soon. We will probably also move the giraffe, although it does really help pull the room together...
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