Sunday, November 14, 2010


This fall has been a whirlwind of great things! I'll try to hit the main points:

We enjoyed a fantastic visit from G&G Oldfield, which included a couple nights out in Newport. Beach time a-plenty, sunshine, aquarium visit and sea lion watching. AND, this year we didn't get into any car accidents! Hooray! In no particular order, here are pics from that week (the first shot is Sof in her lobster costume showing off her guns):

Next up, Halloween! Since Sof was actually cognizant of the holiday this year, I spent a little time making her a custom bumblebee costume. Frankly, I'm not sure who had more fun with that. Buzzzzz! Tonight, two weeks after Halloween, Sof decided that it's again Halloween. We dressed up in full bumblebee regalia and proceeded to tromp up and down the street to see if there were any trick-or-treaters out. Um, there weren't. Anyway, it was sweetly heartbreaking to see my little earnest, hopeful bumblebee set straight on a course for disappointment. Sigh. We remedied that with the big treat of watching the Bumblebee Movie whilst still in costume.

We also managed to find a window of nice weather to get in a little hiking. Too bad I can't remember where we went! Somewhere in the Columbia Gorge...

That brings us to this weekend, I believe. We dug up all the snow gear yesterday and trekked up to Mt. Hood in search of snow. Just like last year, our hopes of snowshoeing down glorious white trails were dashed, but we did find piles of snow at Timberline Lodge to play in. We built a snowfort, a snowman and pulled Sof around in a sled. Of course, now she asks to go sledding all the time!

In the midst of all that and much more that I'm forgetting, I performed again at Bellydance Uncorked and have started taking weekly classes, something that's been a long time coming. Some highlights of things to look forward to? A date night with Hanna at Le Serpent Rouge (a show I've hoped to see for years and a friend with whom I don't spend nearly enough time), working with troupe Nagamani to prepare for our show in VEGAS, a Thanksgiving trip to Vegas and a Christmas trip to Alaska. Phew.

Until next time!