um...what's the 'wet willy' technique? the only thing I can think of is licking your finger and sticking it in sofia's ear...and i'm pretty sure that's not what you're doing, right? See Wikipedia:
Singular wet willy
Plural wet willies
wet willy (plural wet willies)
1. (slang) A prank whereby a saliva-moistened finger is inserted into an unsuspecting person's ear, often with a slight twisting motion.
Example: Ben is such a tool - I'm going to give him a wet willy.
haaaah hhhaaaaaahh haaaaah!!!! that TOTALLY makes my day. ;) I'm going to give that a try with my friend Katy's new baby. next time Nick starts fussing it's the wet finger for him!
um...what's the 'wet willy' technique? the only thing I can think of is licking your finger and sticking it in sofia's ear...and i'm pretty sure that's not what you're doing, right? See Wikipedia:
wet willy
wet willies
wet willy (plural wet willies)
1. (slang) A prank whereby a saliva-moistened finger is inserted into an unsuspecting person's ear, often with a slight twisting motion.
Example: Ben is such a tool - I'm going to give him a wet willy.
Um, actually yeah....that's what I'm talking about...
Although I suppose in reality, I think we only did the "wet" willy once. Typically we opt for the "dry willy" technique :)
haaaah hhhaaaaaahh haaaaah!!!! that TOTALLY makes my day. ;) I'm going to give that a try with my friend Katy's new baby. next time Nick starts fussing it's the wet finger for him!
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