Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bottle battles and other news from the front lines

Our baby will not drink from a bottle. She just won't. I started this week with the goal of spending about two hours each morning working with her on the bottle, and we haven't gotten anywhere. When I was out of the house last night, John didn't get anywhere either. It is an EPIC battle of wills we have going here. Child is STUBBORN. And since this is my blog and I can say whatever I want, I will say that she inherited all of that from Papa.

Some may say that I'm pretty young, without a whole lot of life experience. But really? I've got almost a three-decade advantage over Sofia on building up willpower. I'm going to keep on hoping that advantage pays off eventually...So the moral of this story is that I'm going shopping for new bottles today. Lots of them. Will try ANYTHING.

The post title says "other news." Other news includes Sofia getting her first shots last week. She was pretty much like, "Whatever, bring the pain. I can take it." She's a tough little booger. She also weighed in at nearly 13 pounds, and ranks in the 90th percentile for both length and weight. Her head is lagging a bit in the 50th percentile, but I'll say it again -- Mama is still thankful for that one.

Biggest announcement yet? She ALMOST rolled over yesterday. We are so having a party when she really does roll over.

And the little changes continue -- she's focusing like crazy on faces, and responding to singing and smiles with big smiles of her own. She's discovered how cool it is to look in mirrors (hey, that baby always does the same things I'm doing!). She loves hanging out under her nifty Baby Einstein tent from Aunt Lisa. The fist sucking continues, and loudly. The squeals and coos are increasing while the fussiness is decreasing. She's still sleeping at least 8 hours a night, and seems to be increasing that -- we even got a 10-hour sleep from her the other night.

Lucy's interest in Sofia also continues. When Sofia's on the ground under her little entertainment center, Lucy loves to get right down there with her. And when she realizes that Sofia isn't going to play with her, she'll just snuggle in as close as I will let her get. Bella...well, Bella's interest still seems to be poop.

And now for your gratuitous silly shot of Lucy:

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