Monday, June 23, 2008

It's all about the boobs

While my life recently has seemed to revolve around boobs the last few months, last Saturday really WAS all about the boobs for a lot of women -- the Run for Women (a fund-raiser for breast cancer, for those of you not familiar).

Sofia, me and about a dozen other bellydancers did the 5-miler together as the Bellydancer Babes for Breast Cancer team. (Quick side note: yes, I realize the problem with that team name. Yes, it bugs me, but you gotta play with the cards you're dealt.)

I do believe our team was a crowd favorite, as I gathered from the grins of the police officers whom the gals kept shimmying up to. As it turns out, the porta-potty our team decorated was also a crowd favorite -- it came in second place, yeah!

I'm so proud of Sofia for completing her first Run for Women! Soon enough, she'll actually be doing it on foot.

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